HOME BASIC CARE In our community people living with HIV/AIDS and orphans do not get the basic needs and humanity care becase they not able to find these services because their health is week. They lack essential needs like meals,clothing,education,medical and psychological support. According to the lack of these services to these people living with HIV/AIDS and orphans they feel badly and they fell as they have been discriminated by their own community and their government as results of the following problems which is common in our community
Social conflicts
poor production of nation
Early and frequently death
provision of education
provision of meals,clothing and medical
provision of psychological support
provision of school items to orphans
Our main aim is to assist the community of Kahama which is the one of the leading district inTanzania for HIV/AIDS transimission because is a district which has a high interaction of many people from in and out of the country due to the pre sence of two larage Mining industries(Buzwagi and Bulyanhulu Golg mining) and also is a dry port of east africa country HOME BASIC CARE is a project started in 2009 in Kahama township and it has brought a good impactcts in our community Now we are seeking a any donor,sponsors or volunteers to support this project so that we can operate allover Kahama District Example of some impacts has brought by this project in our community are
People have educated about HIV/AIDS
Love has increased
Increase of life span
decrease of stigma and social disctrimination
Incease of production
NB,please support this work to serve the lives of PLHAs and orphans